Objectif général | Vérifier à travers la réalisation de 10 études de marché, l’existence d’un marché potentiel dans la région du Centre-Est pour assurer la viabilité économique et la pérennité des entreprises rurales et urbaines. |
Specific objectives | • Better knowledge of the stakeholders (formal and informal) already involved in processing and marketing the targeted products in the region, and of their capabilities and products. • An estimate of demand and expectations in terms of price, quality and packaging among different consumer categories (households, school canteens, barracks, restaurants and hotels, etc.) in the Central-Est region. • Identification of distribution channels and sales by distribution channel (stores, grocery stores, central purchasing units, internet). • An analysis of the socio-economic factors (population growth, unemployment rate, average income/capita, level of education, eating habits, etc.), political factors (stability, tax system, etc.) and legal factors (legislation governing the activity) that can influence demand. |
Bénéficiaires directs | Stakeholders in agroforestry value chains, socio-professional organizations, agroforestry support institutions, consumers of ASP products |
Funding | ENABEL/Coopération belge |
Zone de couverture | Central-East region |
Période d’exécution | 2019 – 2021 |
Few Results | 2 études de marché réalisées : • Study on the attiéké market • Study on the organic fertilizer market |
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