General Objectives

The aim of this joint project, the fruit of collaboration between six local authorities from the Franche-Comté region or their groupings, is to develop a participative program for sustainable local development in rural and peri-urban areas of Burkina Faso.


Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), communities of Burgundy-Franc-Comté and Switzerland, Rhône Mediterranean Corsica Water Agency.

Coverage Area

The communes of Douroula, Komki-Ipala, Tanghin-Dassouri and Zimtanga.

Specific objectives / Expected outcomes

  • In the north
  • Increase the effectiveness of cooperation and institutional support initiatives 
  • Raise awareness of the challenges of North-South relations. 
  • Promote North-South youth exchanges.
  • In the south 
  • Positively impact all actors in the sustainable local development system; 
  • Strengthen the project management capabilities of local authorities in Burkina Faso;
  • Assert their role as key interlocutors for local development players;
  • Develop inter-Burkinabe exchanges between elected representatives and producers.

Direct beneficiaries

Local populations in four Burkinabe communities: Douroula, Komki-Ipala, Tanghin-Dassouri and Zimtanga.

Implementation Partners

  • Northern stakeholders: six local authorities or their associations in Bourgogne Franche-Comté ( City of Besançon, City of Belfort, Greater Belfort, Departmental Council of Territoire de Belfort, City of Montbéliard, Country of Montbéliard Agglomeration) and the City of Neuchâtel.
  • Southern stakeholders : 
  • Four municipalities: Douroula, Komki-Ipala, Tanghin-Dassouri and Zimtanga, 
  • Referents : Océane Consult International-OCI, NGO HOPE'87, Zimtanga Project Management Assistant (AMO) and Water and Sanitation Technician, Besançon-Neuchâtel-Douroula Cooperation Officer. 
  • Other partners: Programme National de Volontariat au Burkina Faso (PNVB), France Volontaires (FV), Service civique, etc.

Few Results 

  • Capacity-building actions for the benefit of elected representatives, commune populations and project implementation actors:  Appropriation of decentralized cooperation relations by COPRA actors (elected representatives, referents) with 2 sister communes (Houndé, Zorgho), AMBF and DCOD; 
  • Improvement of the content and design of the COPRA project's information periodical, Copra- Kibaré ;  ;
  • Improvement of local product processing practices (market garden produce, rice parboiling, shea butter, local juice production, honey, soumbala) with more than 36 women processors from nearly twenty women's Op; 
  • Improved mobilization and diversification of financial resources for COPRA's intervention communities with DGCOOP and DCOD;
  • Support for document archiving and organization of the civil registry : 
  • Diagnosis of the document archiving and civil status management system in the 4 local authorities.
  • Organization of 3 training sessions for different categories of local authority staff: registrars, elected officials and administrative staff; 
  • Development of archive management and filing tools;
  • Management of the COPRA IV development process: choice of unifying theme, communal pre-formulation workshops, communal pre-formulation workshop, drafting of the memorandum of intent submitted to AFD, management of the technical and economic feasibility study.
  • Initiatives on the management of hydraulic structures: visit and discussions on the management of AEPS in Pabré, participation in discussions on the best ways to manage structures;
  • With the support of PNVB, communes can benefit from communal water and sanitation volunteers and technical support.
  • Job creation for 5,211 people in rural and peri-urban areas, including 3,547 women.