General Objectives
Verify, through 10 market studies, the existence of a potential market in the Central East region to ensure the economic viability and sustainability of rural and urban businesses.
ENABEL/Coopération belge
Coverage Area
Central-East region
Specific objectives
• Better knowledge of the stakeholders (formal and informal) already involved in processing and marketing the targeted products in the region, and of their capabilities and products.
• An estimate of demand and expectations in terms of price, quality and packaging among different consumer categories (households, school canteens, barracks, restaurants and hotels, etc.) in the Central-Est region.
• Identification of distribution channels and sales by distribution channel (stores, grocery stores, central purchasing units, internet).
• An analysis of the socio-economic factors (population growth, unemployment rate, average income/capita, level of education, eating habits, etc.), political factors (stability, tax system, etc.) and legal factors (legislation governing the activity) that can influence demand.
Direct Beneficiariess
Stakeholders in agroforestry value chains, socio-professional organizations, agroforestry support institutions, consumers of ASP products
Implementation partners
Decentralized Technical Services, Chamber of Agriculture and umbrella organization, Conseil National de l'Agriculture Biologique au Burkina Faso (CNABio), INERA, IRSAT, ABNORM, NGOs (ARFA, ANSD, TINTUA, FIMBA), DGEF, Projects and Programs (REGIS, PSAE, NEERTANBA, PRIAA, PCESA Component A and B, DEPAC Component B, Projet DDC Formation professionnelle, private operators (BARIKA, Bioprotect, COCIMA, Agrifinance, RCPB, ABF, FONAFI).
Few Results
• Study on the attiéké market
• Study on the organic fertilizer market